Monthly Archives: June, 2012

Long time no update!

So I realized I hadn’t updated in a reaaaaally long time.  My weight loss ticker is also incorrect because of this.  :-  I will update that soon (hopefully)…

Bad (and embarrassing) news:  I regained a few pounds.  😦

Good new:  I’ve lost some once again.  🙂

I had nearly gotten down to my BD (before Damian [my 8 year old]) weight by Christmas day.  But then I gained almost 20lbs back during Damian’s winter break.  During this time, I was walking MUCH less and my eating was not so great.  I wasn’t eating more (still am not), just wrong things.  I could have (should have) made better choices.  Point is: I gained back 20lbs quickly.  Although I am, for the most part, back on track… the weight just isn’t coming off as “easily” anymore.  It’s taking alot longer and requiring alot more work now. 

I have yet to get back to my Christmas weight, but my goal for the summer is to get back there.  I am still 100lbs down from two summers ago and 82lbs down since surgery day… and that is awesome.  But, I will feel so much better once I reach this mini goal…

Numbers… so far:

Weight lost since high weight on 06/07/10 (24 months ago):    -99.4lbs

Weight lost since pre-op on 11/01/10 (17 months ago):            -90.0lbs

Weight lost since surgery on 11/23/10 (16 months ago):            -81.6lbs

A Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy performed live…

A Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy performed live…


The Feeding Tube Diet?!?!

Am I CRAZY for thinking this would be worth a try?  Especially after already having been sleeved?  :-